Meet the team

What makes Phoenix Global unique is our company structure and tailored approach to each client. Our experienced project managers harness the impact field’s top freelance talent to develop and execute on your priorities.

Jenna Nicholas

President, Phoenix Global Impact

Jenna Nicholas is the President of Phoenix Global Impact. Jenna is also the CEO of Impact Experience, which connects investors, entrepreneurs and innovators in marginalized communities.

She has project managed Divest-Invest Philanthropy, a coalition of philanthropic foundations, divesting from investments in fossil fuels and reinvesting in new economy solutions. Jenna spoke at TedX Portland about the Divest-Invest work.

Jenna has also worked with the World Bank Treasury on green bonds and other sustainability projects and with Toniic helping to support an impact investing community. She has worked closely with the Calvert Special Equities team and is an advisor to the Nexus Global Youth Summit and Ethic, an online impact investing platform.

Jenna graduated from Stanford University with an International Relations Honors Degree during which time she also read International Development at Oxford University. Jenna is a Stanford Graduate School of Business MBA graduate, is a PD Soros Fellow for New Americans and recipient of the Stanford Social Innovation Fellowship. Jenna has also been selected as a World Economic Forum Global Shaper. Jenna has special links with China and co-taught a course at Tsinghua School of Economics and Management on Business Ethics, Sustainability and Impact Investing. She is an active member of the Bahá’í Faith.